Friday, February 11, 2005


My favourite person in the education faculty just asked me to tutor for him this semester!

Undergraduateewiddlys, here i come! mwahahah.

In a less effusive voice, if anyone out there has undergrad tutoring experience, please throw advice at me. *would be grateful*



Corinoco said...

Benn there, done that, enjoyed the pay!

I did Structures tutoring to 1st Yr students. Most Archlings don't like structures because they are Arty and Maths Is Bad. So I tried to teach them the Art that Is Maths. Luckily at this time fractals were all the rage, so getting people to realise that these pretty-pictures were done with 4-Unit High School Maths was fun.

I made structural questions like "If the 53m-long nacelles of the Enterprise can withstand a bending moment of x-kNm will Scotty be able to go to Warp 5 if the load applied is y-kN?" and "Frank Lloyd Wright wants to cantilever a living room 50m long over a cliff. How thick will the slab need to be if he can only get 20Mpa concrete and 20mm reo bars?" Instead of questions about cranes and tractors. I swear that most Eng Sci textbooks were written by Communist Collectives.

Point, yes, the point... um... well, I gave anyone a Pass if they showed that they had actually sat down and made an honest attempt at it - right or wrong answer. No-show was instant fail, unless good reasons were given. If you got anything right - Distinction, any humour shown got you an instant HD. I had fun, and to the astonishment of our lecturer, the majority of my group passed, despite him being the most despised lecturer of the Arch faculty. (Most 1st yrs failed Structures 1, or passed only through 'other' means).

Um, point, um, er... not sure.

syn said...

oh what fun!...heheheh... *starts plotting*

i especially like the snacks and batman ideas.

unfortunately, unlike intro CS and Structures, i will be tutoring an Arts subject, specifically on Effective Teaching, of which i only went through a masters course on, and have not actually done any of.

onekell said...

What better way to demonstrate Effective Teaching?
*exit into a loop*