Wednesday, February 23, 2005

It was a hot day today

Came home all sticky today, from the hotness of the day, to find Bear fresh and shiny, having taken a shower in expectation of going out for dinner.

Bear: I took a shower, am clean.

syn: Ahah! I shall be sticky upon you!

Bear: Do your worst.


La la la la laaaaa...


Isn't it sad that the last album I was really excited about after buying it was by the White Stripes?

I think Beck is releasing his new album soon. Yay!

You know what, if there were aliens, who just happened to look like yoggies (Kimi and Linus' favourite treatie), and then they decided to visit earth and landed by chance in our living room whilst Kimi and Linus were running around, they'd probably come across Linus first, because Kimi likes to sit inside the fort and rest his sore ankle, and they'd say to Linus, Hello Earthling! We are beings from the planet Dumdeedum and we are here on holiday! Bring us to your leader please, we wish to exchange presents. And then Linus would think, oh dear, the yoggies are talking to me, I don't know if i should eat them, perhaps it might be unethical or wrong somehow, hmmm.. and then Kimi would come out to see what all the fuss was about, see the aliens, think, Yoggies! and then go chomp! crunch crunch, and that would be that.

It might even have happened already!



Anonymous said...

so linus is the deliberative one, and kimi the non-stop go go go one right?
i keep getting them mixed up....


syn said...

ya loh. like that.


Corinoco said...
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Corinoco said...

...because he can't splel or spook Unglish proffer do can. What? My hovercraft is full of eels.

What I meant to say was: I seem to be having tremendous difficulties with my lifestyle.

Yikes, I think this means 'lifestyle' was already a marketing catchphrase by 1977. I strongly suspect Epicurus probably had some things to say about 'lifestyle' merchants; none of them very polite, either.

The Vl'Hurgs & the G'Gug'Vunts meet Kimi & Linus. Remember - if you are invading another planet, always check the scale first.

I forget how to do escape-secquence HTML tags, so you will just have to work out the oblique bits and asides yourself. Bear can help.

syn said...

i can work things out by myself, you know.. why does everyone assume i need Bear's help for everything? humphy. :P

Anonymous said...

coz it makes more sense to be the helpless female and get everyone else to do the work
