Sunday, January 23, 2005

Quarter-life crisis

I can't believe i'm turning 25.

I haven't done anything with my life!

I freaked out last night about this, and after some discussion, Bear and I decided that this sudden need to: get married/have a kid/buy a car/buy a house/get a proper job title was all about establishing some sort of "adult" identity.

I suppose its because 25 seems to me to be the death knell of youth, where it starts rounding up to 30, and there's no more of this faffing about finding yourself rubbish, its time to settle down and be an adult, goddamnit!


None said...

i see the big 3 - 0 on the does that make u feel better or worse? hehehehe

Ah 9

syn said...

Thanks YJ!

And K-nine, hahaha, and who are you?

None said...

nobody u know...passing blogger...if u mean bout the 3-0 toking bout myself. LoL