Sunday, January 16, 2005

Not well yet.

Nope. not got any better either.

Skin hurts a wee bit less though.

Otherwise am all raw and sore inside and everywhere.

sore sore sore.

I suspect that the very green expectorant might not have been such a good idea.

See, prior to taking it, I'd been coughing up these bitter blobby yellow mucus globs in the morning, after which i'd be fine, until say noon, then the coughing would gradually get worse. So the natural assumption made was that coughing brings up the globby gunk, and when the gunk is brought up, coughing ceases till the next bunch of gunk is assembled. hurrah! But then, with expectorant, it doesn't work that way!

So it breaks up the gunk, and brings it up. At least that was the sales pitch. For the past two days, i've just been coughing constantly, even at night, waking up every 2 hours or so to scratch my lungs out, bringing up no more than weird vaguely salty fluidy nothing. No bitter blobby mucus globs! The assumption now made, was that the expectorant was just diluting the gunk and then making me cough extra hard to bring it all up. What a crock!

So i took only half the dose yesterday and today am finally seeing some yellow globs. yay! Not that i'm coughing any less, but it is somehow more satisfying when you cough up something that's not only almost solid, but also looks evil and wrong, rather than just vague weak weird fluidy stuff.

All in all, being ill is really no fun at all and i've had enough now. Someone make it stop!


None said...

i agree too! hacking out all those gunk beats letting them go into the stomach. (eww...)

My cough gets better everytime i clear my throat of the's like removing bunnies faster than they can reproduce...or something like tat. :P

Ah 9

syn said...


I think it would be more interesting being sick if i coughed up bunnies.

itsy bitsy widdle ones.

Corinoco said...

Make the bunny stop! Make it stop!

Remind me to tell you why you should make the bunny stop.

syn said...

check out this bunny: