Friday, January 28, 2005


When you have been coughing pathetically for a few weeks, you tend to collect lots of little remedies from well-meaning people. Various things I have been told recently:

To ease throat irritation, suck on cloves/honey mixed with crushed garlic/ginger mixed with black pepper/this really great lozenge that tastes really nice for a lozenge.

Only drink warm-hot drinks.

Chicken makes you cough.

Take birds nest.

Stay out of the wind.

Drink hot lemon juice with a bit of lemon zest and honey in it.

Eat lots of fruit.

Drink plenty of clear fluids.

Don't eat fruit. Especially oranges.

Take these antibiotics, they'll give you loose stools and abdominal cramps, but its only for 5 days.

Sleep on a towel.

Go to this chinese doctor, he'll scrape your back.

1 comment:

Bear said...

More things to remember:

Don't eat sausage-in-a-bun pretzel thingy.

Don't inhale rattie fur or get mankey-eye.

Think about all the ice cream in the fridge that is going uneaten while you're ill (Note: this doesn't seem to be working).

Don't step on a bee.

Think once, think twice, think: don't drive your car on the pavement.

Remember to clean out your volcanos (even the inactive ones).

Get an early night. Yes, I think I'd better do that.