Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Failure to process the idea of panadol

This morning, Suyin wakes up uncharacteristically early, to give Kimi his meds. Afterwards, she sits on the bed and contemplates the right thing to do.

Suyin's brain: ergh.

Suyin's brain: mleargh.

Suyin's brain: Hey! Owie!

Suyin: What?

Suyin's brain: I hurt. mrahgh.

Suyin: Come on, stop hurting, I gotta stay awake - gotta become diurnal again!

Suyin's brain: well I need them pancake things then.

Suyin: Pancakes?

Suyin's stomach: You know, I don't feel so good either.

Suyin's stomach: but I don't want any pancakes. Not hungry.

Suyin's brain: Not that stupid Food stuff! Pancakes, you know? Pancakes? for headaches?

Suyin: I'm going back to bed.

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