Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Best Christmas present!

Due to the sheer audacity of actually asking for one, Bear and I were the most delighted recipients of the Krups GVS2 Ice Cream Maker from Adrian!

Here is a picture of the ice cream maker the very first time we used it, making (super powerful valhrona) chocolate ice cream. Bear and I were transfixed - we pulled up chairs and watched it do its thing for about 30 minutes or so... so fascinating!

So far, we have made these flavours (in order): chocolate, strawberry, vanilla bean, chocolate (with soy milk - for Bear's mum), passionfruit, almond and macadamia. Yum!

I think we have also refined our recipe somewhat. Basically, you make a custard with about 3 cups of milk and cream (ratio according to creaminess desired), half cup of sugar and about 3 eggs, flavour with good quality ingredients, then chill then make ice cream! We still have to sort out flavouring the nut ice creams and the straining thereof of bits of nut but the almond one was something fantastic. Mmm.

We are very happy with this present!

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