Tuesday, December 07, 2004

A recipe!

Blogger is abit hangy isn't it?
Maybe I should've gotten an lj account like jo said. Ho hummy.

Anyway, here is a recipe for a really yummy quick dishmeal that i've been addicted to recently. It does require a food processor though.

oops i have to go to work. I'll finish this later. :P

(...3.5 hours of screaming children later...)

Okay i'm back.

Fusili with Sun-dried Tomato Pesto
adapted from this Epicurious.com recipe.

1 cup drained oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes
1/2 cup grated Romano cheese or Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup chopped fresh basil or parsley
2 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted
3 garlic cloves
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil*
Fusili, or any other pasta you like (enough for 4 main courses)

Put everything except pasta and oil in a food processor, and whilst its running, add oil in a steady stream till smooth paste forms. Tadah, you have pesto. Now cook pasta, and then drain and return to the warm saucepan and toss with pesto. Tadah, you have pasta with pesto. Hey presto! heheheheh

You can also add cooked chicken to make a bigger meal of it. The pesto is also very yummy spread on warm sourdough. mmmm..

*You can also use some of the oil that the sun-dried tomatoes are stored in, it seems to give more of a bite to the pesto. The one i get has like an licoricey flavour. Very nice.

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