Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Not wedding dresses Part II

These are in the running, but lagging behind a bit...

Shirtdresses by Prada and Diane von Furstenberg, respectively.

I like the lace shoulders on this one, but the ruched boobage is a bit weird.

The style is, however, similar to these following ones, which are frontrunners.


There's another one I like even better though!


Corinoco said...

I know that they can be annoying, but Jon & Cath did things like you did - their own way, didn't care much for expectations.

Though Cath's dress was shiny. Um.

They did decorations with balloons and large strips of crepe paper, but they were indoors.

I've just bought a bag of 100 colour-changing LEDs... should you have a need for flashy things.

syn said...

aahhh.. see, but i Do care about expectations! And i wish we were having it at night so we could use those LEDs! Whee!