Monday, February 05, 2007

I don't want a wedding dress

Today, I went to see a dressmaker in the city, to get some idea of what it might cost to get a dress made, seeing as I am afraid of entering a Bridal dress shop and cannot seem to find anything suitable at the shops.

So, Bear generously drives me to the city after work and I rock up to this dressmaker, and tell her I was thinking of having a dress made. She asks more questions, and I say, probably white or ivory, and yes, it's for a wedding, but I don't want a wedding dress, just a simple dress made. She seems to understand, then shows me an array of white and cream satins.

Too shiny! I say. Something that looks more natural?

She shows me a silk faille which feels and looks alright, but really I was thinking of a soft thin cotton - like the sort used in floaty summer dresses?

She tells me, I've never heard of anyone using cotton for a wedding dress.

But I Don't Want a Wedding Dress!


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