Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Best Cookies


The BEST Cookies I Have Ever Made!

And possibly ever eaten too!

These cookies are studded with cocoa nibs, hazelnuts and almonds, adapted from a recipe in Alice Medrich's Bittersweet - my happy birthday pressie from Bear!

The first thing I thought when I ate one was that it tasted expensive, but to be more descriptive, they're buttery but crisp, not overly sweet, with a lovely vanilla aroma that works so well with the toasted nuts. The cocoa nibs are amazing, not bitter or strong at all, but they provide this sort of essence of chocolateyness and, according to Bear, almost fruitiness. This may be the effect of the particular brand of nibs - we used Dagoba's.


This is the sort of cookie that when you taste what you've just made, you have the immediate urge to wrap them up in little packages to distribute to all the people you know who really love good food, just so you can share the amazing thing that is this cookie and maybe show off a little.


It is also the sort of cookie that inspires Bear to suggest costing the ingredients to find out if it would be profitable to sell them.

I won't post the recipe, but email me if you want it!

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