Friday, March 04, 2005

Back to Uni.

I've been busy recently, and haven't updated because i need my sleep.. or lunch.. or need to leave ridiculously early to find parking/get photocopying done/find mysteriously located classrooms...

I think i've worked out some of the parking-at-uni-during-the-daytime puzzle... and have settled on a relatively weekly meeting schedule with my supervisor.. Also, have attended workshop on tutoring, which was somewhat useful and somewhat nerve-wracking (now i know what i've gotten myself into), and met (well, viewed at a distance) my students-to-be at the lecture today. They're a feisty bunch, them 2nd year teachers in training... so earnest.


I guess I don't really know what to expect. I think there is some nasty sort of irony in having me, of no teaching experience or qualifications, be the sole tutor to a bunch of student teachers on the subject of Effective Teaching. I suppose it'll have to be a case of do as i say, not as i do, unless it's what i said, and if not, or if there is any confusion, just do as the lecturer said and leave me out of this.

Thank goodness the lecturer is a really nice guy, and tried to quell some of my anxious bellyrumblings by helping me plan and structure the first few tutes. At the very least, I will be paid fairly well, still nowhere near the disgusting financial benefits that others speak of, since the school of education is dirt poor... although i think the pay structure is actually across the board and all faculties pay the same, so maybe my attitude towards the remuneration has been somewhat tempered by anxiety and worry about utter incompetence and amount of work i have to do to justify my position.

Ah well, wait and see. Next Thursday!
Will i tutor or will i embarrass myself? Will i do both? Only time will tell!


Anonymous said...

wahhh uni tutor!! me so proud of you!! *big hug*
i can't imagine sitting in your class though. I prob won't actually listen and will disturb/challenge you throughout the session, which, come to think of it, may be more effective learning than sitting and listening...
nah. i think i'll just sit in a corner and snigger... hahahah...
Good Luck!
nono, i mean it..


Anonymous said...

I got to say this though. I'm a curator with no prior experience too. Chin up. You'll do fine. Don't stress. Put it this way, it's better to make a mistake in Aus land than in Singapore.

Still trying to figure out how on earth can the entire art gallery function on windows 95 OS.