Thursday, May 19, 2005

Star Wars + Lego

Two of my favourite things.

Now see the movie!

Revenge of the Brick (12 mb, quicktime)

It's very cool and even a bit funny.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Girl, woman or vegetable?

So. When does one become a woman and not a girl, or is it like if you have to ask then you're probably neither or both or something like that? Anyway, I don't know, so i asked Bear. I ask Bear a great many things. If i ask him about mechanical thingymabobs, he is usually quick to supply a carefully worded explanation, because he knows everything about mechanical things, being an engineer by profession and passion, but when asked about things like feelings, or hypothetical moral conundrums (what if i fell into a vegetative state, would you still love me? how about if i grew a penis by accident?).. or other sorts of fuzzy issues, you can see the solid steel barrier crashing down between his mind and the rest of his face, the kind with large red letters flashing DANGER DANGER, and Bear immediately shifts into silent defense mode.

So it was when I asked him, do you think I'm a girl or a woman?

To which, maybe because he really thought so and also because it was safe, he said sometimes you're one, sometimes the other.

And then of course the follow up question is when am I a girl and when a woman?

And Bear said something like: when you're making up silly songs, or doing the spin cycle dance, or asking me random difficult questions to amuse yourself, you're being a girl...

And a woman? I asked eagerly, because I had no idea.

Well, when you're doing your research, or working with children, or.. tutoring, I suppose you're being a woman.

Which is a fair enough answer I guess... because lately, what with being halfway through 25 and having to be serious about being financially independent and tutoring adults more than twice my age and having finally to address my research seriously, it just seemed like i've been acting like an adult - the key word here being acting.

And behind the scenes, sensible outfits and carefully worded conversations, the bit of me that watches all this looks on in marvel and disbelief and hopes that I don't give myself away.

Oh. and then i asked Bear, so which do you like more? the girl or the woman?

Bear: Argh! You know I can't answer that without getting into trouble!


Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Perhaps I should clarify that long and slightly angry post about doing research in education, especially after coming out of the other end of a difficult situation.

Because I know Bear got the wrong idea from all my various ranting episodes, I'd better clarify that the reason I was stuck in a rut was because i had to depend so much on the available literature (as flawed or unsuitable as i might've thought it to be), and therefore felt hampered in my attempt to write something original, which i'd thought of, without having to hunt for and stick on other peoples' names after each proposition or idea.

Now, I think i've finally understood what my supervisor was trying to tell me: you need to demonstrate that you can jump through the hoops. It's all about learning the discipline of research, and later, when you have become an expert in your field, then you can set forth and expound upon your own ideas till the jelly sets.

Which, in the sober light of hindsight, finally makes sense to me.

So after all, I am learning something, and have also realised that nobody said it was going to be easy! It's such folly, presupposing that everything must be accessible simply because it always has been.

Ate too many

Ate too many olives.


And too many D'aims yesterday,

and divested Adrian of nearly all of his blue cheese on Sunday.

Must rein in all this careless eating. My tummy feels weird.

*make sick looking face*