Friday, October 05, 2007

Squeaky Beanie

Beanie is the most vocal rat we've ever had.

He communicates to us in little squeaks, usually when he's protesting about something, and it's so funny! Monty was also occasionally vocal, mainly when you picked him up from doing something naughty (like trying to get into the fireplace) to which he would emit a plaintive "Squeeeeeeeeeeee!" like a little high pitched "Nooooooooooooo!".

Beanie is more of a squeaker and a scolder. There was the time he'd jumped up onto the coffee table (which was bad of him to do and he knew it) and delicately selected a chocolate biscuit from the packet that was open. Upon hearing the suspicious rustling, I turned around and saw him and probably said something like Oh! Biscuit thief! Thus alerted, he dashed off, escaping with his grand prize, except not quite going fast enough, probably because he was carrying this enormous chocolate biscuit and when I caught him, he let forth such a string of high pitched invectives in protest that I couldn't stop laughing and let him go. Bear then chased him around the room, with the same result every time he got close, and in the end, when we caught him, he would not, absolutely not, let go of his biscuit and we had to break it up and share it between him and Milo.

The second time he went for the biscuits was more recently, when I caught him readying to jump up onto the table and I said nuh-uh! And picked him up, to which he loudly went Squeak! in surprise and then when I plonked him down onto my lap, he Fooffed at me, which is exactly what it sounds like, just once, but loudly. It was extremely hilarious at the time and still makes me giggle to think about it. I mean, here is this furry little cream puff of a rattie with little pink ears, and he's giving me attitude.


He's so great.

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