Monday, June 27, 2005


Some things we saw in Melbourne, when we went there for walkabout several weeks back:

Some bloke painting the coat of arms on the bridge over the Yarra river.

Part of Federation Square, which cost the city a bazillion dollars and has some very weird looking buildings, one of which had walls which open up in front of you all of a sudden and freak you out for a moment after which you go, cool! and then walk through and promptly forget where the door was and then spend some time standing near likely looking walls.

A bunch of red balloons pretending to be red autumn leaves so as to pass unnoticed in their covert bid for freedom. Or, a tree that produces fruit that looks like balloons. Or, a scrum of baboons, bums out.


onekell said...

Did you visit St Kilda? I think it's my favourite spot in Melbourne.

syn said...

unfortunately, we had only a weekend there and spent it wandering around aimlessly and eating yummy cakey things at Laurent Patisserie...

I did like that fed sq was different. It was confusing though. E.g. where is the forecourt? then again, it was overrun by pink and orange tap dancers one day, and then Italians being patriotic on the other day.