Thursday, June 30, 2005


It's raining!

And has been for what, since last night! yaaaaaaarrh.

So wet. I don't want to go out.

But I have to. Of course. BLah.

The rain was welcome though, probably. Sydney going through drought and all that... although really, like Bear says, how can it be drought when it happens regularly and is actually a characteristic of living in a really Dry country?

I dunno leh. But gee, they grow rice here!

At least this rainy period wasn't as long awaited for as the last rainy period, when apparently small children and puppies were all agog with amazement at what was happening because they'd never seen rain before. And it's true! I heard it on the radio, must be true.

What else is true? I need to get out of my bum grooved seat and get into my car and drive an hour to uni to photocopy a stack of things and then collect exam papers to mark over the weekend.

At least I didn't have to sit an exam this cold wet windy squelching morning.

I am a lucky lucky girl.

To live in a house that is waterproof.

And not have to sit exams anymore.


Tuesday, June 28, 2005


What happened when Bear and I found the Lindt concept store last saturday.

Chocolate tasting party!

Monday, June 27, 2005


Some things we saw in Melbourne, when we went there for walkabout several weeks back:

Some bloke painting the coat of arms on the bridge over the Yarra river.

Part of Federation Square, which cost the city a bazillion dollars and has some very weird looking buildings, one of which had walls which open up in front of you all of a sudden and freak you out for a moment after which you go, cool! and then walk through and promptly forget where the door was and then spend some time standing near likely looking walls.

A bunch of red balloons pretending to be red autumn leaves so as to pass unnoticed in their covert bid for freedom. Or, a tree that produces fruit that looks like balloons. Or, a scrum of baboons, bums out.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Rude scrabble

Bear and I played rude scrabble last night, inspired by Yen's account of some such activity (called sexy scrabble? Bear and I made faces at this so we changed the name) many yonks ago...

Anyhow, it's Hard! i mean, difficult!

The idea was that you're only allowed to make naughty words (notable examples: suck, anal, gonad). This soon became words that might somehow be possibly interpreted as related to sex sortof if only indirectly (like yoga, lips, eel), downright interpretive (prong, devo, juice), spelling be damned (libeedo, dique), and then finally, just dirty words (job, sith).


It was fun!

We shall be doing it again.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005